We need tutors!
We are looking for volunteers who are willing to make a commitment to improving literacy in Pierce County through one-to-one tutoring!
The Tacoma Area Literacy Council (TALC) is an all-volunteer, 501 (c )3 organization that provides FREE one-to-one English literacy tutoring to adults in Pierce County. Our program is designed to meet the needs and goals of adults by providing the reading and comprehension skills necessary to deal with everyday life. The relationship between the tutor and adult learner constitutes the heart of our program. Many of our learners have had great difficulty in standard classroom situations, yet are motivated and willing to work. A commitment to one-to-one tutoring can produce amazing results and open doors to success for our learners, perhaps for the first time in their lives. Training is provided to adult volunteers who want to help others gain the literacy skills necessary to function successfully in our complex society. No previous teaching experience is necessary.

Want to learn English?
Learn English with a private tutor or in a class, FREE!

Need your GED?
Study with a tutor for your GED, or learn to read better, for free.

Our community needs volunteers to teach English as a second language and to help adult basic education learners meet their goals.
Volunteer as a tutor

We could use your help to improve adult literacy in our community.
Check out the TALC Chats Podcast! TALC Chats is a podcast by TALC tutors for TALC learners, or anyone looking to improve their English! Listen to English speakers talk informally about all sorts of subjects, learning English grammar and vocabulary along the way. Past topics have included the weather, holidays, and shopping.
If knowledge is power, then nothing offers more power to change a life than the ability to read.

The Tacoma Area Literacy Council honors the uniqueness of the individual and values diversity. TALC does not discriminate on the basis of gender, religion, race, color, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, age, political beliefs, or familial status. TALC will make every effort to accommodate individuals with disabilities within its ability to do so.