Executive Board Members
Janet Clarke - Chair
Janet is a (mostly) retired marine mammal biologist who spent many happy years studying whales in Arctic Alaska. She now spends her free time camping, puttering around the property, and improving her quilting and stitchery skills; all but the latter are enjoyed with her husband and their two dogs. A tutor with TALC since spring 2017 Janet became Chair in spring 2021. As a tutor, she relishes seeing the excitement and joy when her students have an “aha!” moment of understanding or when they share an experience that was made easier or better due to their improved English. As Chair, Janet is grateful for all the dedicated volunteer tutors that are involved with TALC, particularly those that find the extra time to help with administrative tasks required to keep this all-volunteer organization moving forward.
Kay Jones - Vice Chair
Kay may not be a lion tamer, but she did meet that cub at a rescue place in South Africa. In addition to serving as TALC’s Vice Chair, Kay is the TALC Curriculum Specialist and is focused on showcasing tools and materials useful in tutoring.
Kay is a Georgia native who hasn’t lost much of her accent, a retired high school teacher, world traveler, Duolingo junkie — French, Spanish, Japanese, Swahili and Vietnamese, has had both knees and hips replaced — “going for the complete cyborg,” she says, and is a certificated scuba diver.
Susan Johnson - Secretary
Susan Johnson moved to Washington State in 2003 and in 2004 joined the Pacific Lutheran University Office of the Registrar staff as Program Coordinator. She performed various job duties: the PLU catalog, Summer Sessions, thesis APA compliance review, and student evaluations. In 2017, she retired from PLU. Prior to her retirement from PLU, she attended the TALC tutor training program.
Susan received her Bachelor of Science degree in Public Affairs from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, and her Master of Education from George Mason University in Virginia.
In 2015, Susan was elected to Milton City Council and again in 2017. She has participated on various committees in the City of Milton. Currently, she serves on the City of Milton Planning Commission.
Susan’s family consists of her husband, Thomas, and their two pups – Bella and Oly.
Chris Egan - Treasurer
Chris has a degree in electrical engineering and spent the first 20 years of his working career as an engineering officer for the U.S. Air Force with assignments all over the world. His first ELL tutoring experience was while he was stationed in Hawaii 33 years ago. He began with TALC in 2016.
Chris really enjoys working with TALC’s learners and helping them with their English language goals. His students have become great friends, and he feels that he receives as much from them as he gives to them.